PLAY EPISODE 14 BY CLICKING HERE! Thank you for listening to our podcast! I had some hesitation about writing this one as Masons do not generally discuss politics. Then, I decided that Masons SHOULD affect change when affecting change hinges upon matters of Justice or Fairness. Now, having stated that, I would never tell anyone HOW to vote (i.e. which political party to support) because, as a political science student I do understand that persons feel strongly about which side administers fairness and justice in the best manner, and as a Mason, I generally prohibit myself from discussing items along party lines and I attempt to treat my daily conversations regarding politics and religion as if I am in Lodge...because I AM in Lodge as the Universe is every Mason's Lodge room. I ramble. Here is the text from Albert Pike's Magnum Opus I read, no additions or paraphrasing: " Be faithful to your country, and prefer its dignity and hon...